Dandi Kutir, Gandhinagar

Dandi Kutir is India’s largest and only museum built on the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. It represents Gandhi’s powerful idea of connecting people across lines of class, gender, age, and community, asserting their common right to salt. A symbol to inspire a pluralistic society to march towards independence — Purna Swaraj. Audio-visual has been beautifully used with a vision to portray the incidents of Mahatma Gandhi’s life from his birth on October 2nd, 1869, in Kathiawad to his childhood , traces of his marriage to Kasturba, and his experiments with youth. The engaging technologies have made the museums informative and appealing to the public. A combination of audio-video, 3D visuals, 360-degree shows, and the display has been used to showcase various information about the legend.